Deposit, Cancellation & Refund Policy

When you book with Discover Luxury Indonesia, your contract is with PT. Majukan Wisata Indonesia (PT. MWI), the company and legal name.


  1. Before a booking is confirmed, you will be sent an invoice with our bank details or an optional payment (our official online payment) with a booking confirmation from PT. MWI.
  2. Please check that the services and products requested are according to the prices we agreed with dates and timings and that all other elements of your trip are correct.
  3. PT. MWI will issue you an official payment receipt after receiving payment in the bank account in cleared funds from you as our buyer. Payment to third parties, not to our official company PT. MWI, will not apply our legal contracts, binding or terms.
  4. PT. MWI reserves the right to alter the prices of any trips shown on our invoice or set out in our written proposal to you at any time after your time of payment expires.
  5. Where PT. MWI cannot reasonably calculate any costs in advance of the conclusion of your contract. This will be shown in your invoice as "excluding", and additional charges may still have to be bear on the spot.
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